“Being under the leadership of dangerously simplistic mindsets proves to be ever so evident still. The old dogs prove to be stuck in their ways and ever so blind to what the priorities should be. They punish those who reveal evidence of their stupidity, yet they share all kinds of vital and self destructive information for any enemy to use against our nation. Our brave leaders give our enemies a loaded gun and then (with that stupid politician smile), they lick their lips, and then lean forward and place their foreheads against the point of the weapon. No they’re not quite that bad, for at least they attempt to look out for their own best interest. They actually place the loaded gun in the enemies hand and then help lift their arm and direct them towards the American people.”
Consul Nicholas Moore
One reason for the inaction in Washington is that both parties still hope the other will either be blamed by voters for the cuts or cave in before the worst effects predicted by Democrats come into effect.

"Pizza is not a vegetable silly!" Says Nicky, (a 4 year old boy).
"And what's 2+2?" Asks Consul Moore.
"Four!" Nicky says with pride as he holds up four fingers.
"The U.S. government is the nation's largest employer, with a workforce of roughly 2.7 million civilians spread across the country. If the cuts stay in place, more than 800,000 of those workers could see reduced work days and smaller paychecks between now and September.
Furlough notices warning employees and their unions started to go out earlier this week and the pace picked up on Friday after it became clear that talks at the White House between Obama and congressional leaders would be fruitless."
"The discussion about revenue, in my view, is over. It's about taking on the spending problem," Boehner said after the meeting.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday showed 28 percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans for the sequestration mess, 18 percent thought Obama was responsible and 4 percent blamed congressional Democrats. Thirty-seven percent blamed them all, according the online poll.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts 750,000 jobs could be lost in 2013, and federal employees throughout the country are looking to trim their own costs.
Not until April -- but some of the cuts could be felt before then.
Most of the sequester apocalypse, of which Obama's Cabinet has warned, relates to government-worker furloughs: Airport-security lines will get longer because TSA agents will work one fewer day every two weeks, thinning out the workforce; fewer commercial planes will fly because of furloughs to air-traffic controllers; prisons will be locked down because Bureau of Prisons staff will be sent home; terrorists may go undetected because fewer FBI agents and counterterrorism analysts will be working.
Those furloughs won't begin until April, at the earliest. In most cases, government agencies must give workers 30 days' notice before furloughing them. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for instance, expects some of its furloughs to begin April 7, but it's still haggling with unions over notification procedures.
But other bad things could happen before then. State programs that rely on federal money will have to begin accounting for lesser funds as soon as President Obama orders the sequester into effect on Friday. Government contractors, meanwhile, will feel the cuts immediately.
From http://news.yahoo.com/6-questions-answers-sequester-075134189.html
“I am not a dictator,” President Barack Obama urged Americans on Friday to help him pressure Republicans to help halt painful automatic government spending cuts.
"This is not going to be an apocalypse, I think, as people have said," the president underlined. "It's just dumb. And it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt individual people, and it's going to hurt the economy overall."
Apparently stung by criticisms that he has overhyped the possible damage from sequestration for political gain, Obama pointed to government workers—notably the janitors who mop the Capitol floors—who will get a pay cut, as well as small businesses that rely on dwindling government contracts, and warned of a "ripple effect" through the broader economy.
"I don’t anticipate a huge financial crisis, but people are going to be hurt," the president said. "We’re not making that up, that’s not a scare tactic."
Obama has accused Republicans of refusing to raise "a dime's worth" of new tax revenues by closing loopholes that chiefly benefit the wealthiest Americans and rich corporations in order to reduce the deficit. Republicans have countered that revenues raised that way should not go to pay for government spending but to lower tax rates, which they say will create jobs.
"I’d like to think that I’ve still got some persuasive power left " Obama said. But "I am not a dictator, I’m the president," he emphasized, saying it was beyond his power to "force Congress to do the right thing" unless the American people help squeeze congressional Republicans.
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