Time for the reality T.V craze to be killed.
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We are Nicholas Moore:
For an example of our foundation, the Army definition of Leadership is valuable. Leadership is being able to influence others by providing purpose, direction, and the motivation necessary to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
We seek to influence you in a positive manner; providing you with purpose, direction, and the motivation necessary to accomplish the mission of not being willfully ignorant, and for the sake of our childrens future.
Our mission is to share the truth, always; the truth that is hidden in front of all of our faces, but you cannot see at times because of the distractions around us. When truth is shared here this truth will be backed by evidence.
We will look out for each other and never hold any of our members indebted; for we are family and we will support each other as a family should.
We will have the roundtable mindset; (no single individual as a leader). We'll choose somebody different to be Consul every six months for now, once we get the foundation to our organization properly structured this time may become less or more (we'll take a vote). Every month the acting Consul will share their thoughts and have final say when it comes to what we post on Nicholas Moore's page.
The point to why we're doing this:
The fact that we have a global debt crisis is the evidence our leadership today has not been looking out for us or our children’s future. Our children are not being properly educated when it comes to the foundations our nation was built upon; and this is the root cause of the problem; the next generation is beng lied to and indoctrinated. We will take the values which proved most beneficial and raise our children to support these values. We will also teach on the mistakes that were made in American History, and we will not support these past decisions which proved to be counterproductive.(We will show evidence and logical answers in all we speak on.) In summary for now; We will take the good from the Declaration of Independence and all the good which was signed into our Republic by the founding fathers' and live by it; living with purpose in a cause worth defending. We cannot, and shall not make the same mistakes our leaders in recent generations have made. We must do this if our nation is to survive, and thus the next generation will have hope for a brighter future. Our personal ambitions here will be shared and supported by the family, and greed can never be a seed planted in this support group we are forming. We are one body.
We need to start fresh… and we all know it. When the house is burning we try to put the fire out, but when the flames keep rising, we have to step back and wait, or be burned… However once the house is burned down, we don’t simply do nothing, we start rebuilding from the foundation on up. This time though we rebuild the structure so that the same disaster which befell our house before will never again. We learn from our mistakes and we do better this time…
Together what can we accomplish? Great things, if we unite. If we are lacking the education when it comes to the root of the problem and we only ever keep the company of the loudest trendy fools we will only ever add to the problem. Because the truth is rejected freedom is being lost. …
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