Christ and Sex
Adam and Eve were created to be representatives for God to the rest of the world, and the first instructions these partners received were to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1: 26-28, Eph. 6:12). Eve was taken out from the side of Adam and the two were to be united in love and become one flesh. Sex is a beautiful and holy act represent of Christ becoming one with the church, His bride (Eph. 6). Sex was made to be enjoyable and without shame between two responsible adults in a monogamous relationship, hence why the Song of Songs was written. The one who fails to let Christ be first in their life and chooses to live for self-centered desires alone, will never be satisfied. An interesting biological fact is if a woman is not gratified when the man releases his seed her body responds by seeking to attack and destroy the sperm. Many who have grown up in the modern church become bitter because they have never developed a personal connection with Christ. Many grow unsatisfied and leave the church because so many elders have failed to show how being one with Christ is most gratifying.
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