Fired Because of Intelligent Design?

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Its latest mission is defending itself in a workplace lawsuit filed by a
former computer specialist who claims he was demoted - and then let go -
for promoting his views on intelligent design, the belief that a higher
power must have had a hand in creation because life is too complex to
have developed through evolution alone.

David Coppedge, who worked as a "team lead" on the Cassini mission
exploring Saturn and its many moons, alleges that he was discriminated
against because he engaged his co-workers in conversations about
intelligent design and handed out DVDs on the idea while at work.
Coppedge lost his "team lead" title in 2009 and was let go last year
after 15 years on the mission.

"It's part of a pattern. There is basically a war on anyone who dissents
from Darwin and we've seen that for several years," said John West,
associate director of Center for Science and Culture at the
Seattle-based Discovery Institute. "This is free speech, freedom of
conscience 101."

The National Center for Science Education, which rejects intelligent
design as thinly veiled creationism, is also watching the case and has
posted all the legal filings on its website.


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The shared vision for all of us here at Moore Enterprises: "The united; the new republic. They had everything in common, and they lived a balanced life. Selling their possessions and goods, to give to their brothers and sisters who were in need; for no one would be without. Each member felt peace and lived a comfortable life, growing together in a prosperity more valuable than simply material wealth. Every day they met together and taught each other, growing in wisdom, and love. No one was intimidated by the other, but instead each recognized what their brothers' and sisters' had to offer for the tribe. They encouraged each other, and their children grew up much the same; stable in all key areas and seeing no sense in discrimination. They broke bread and ate together in their homes, which they all helped manage when there was need. There was peace of mind, for no one lived in excess and all were provided for. Their foundation was strong; their new beginning and their future was bright and new. Because of their generosity, their prosperity multiplied... Their numbers grew daily; those who were saved from the past generations greed..."

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We Are Nicholas Moore
“Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
