The Future Plans of the Enemy (Increase of UFO Sightings Since the Pandemic)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Christ warned in the last days children will revolt against their parents and will put them to death (Matt. 10:21, Mark 13:12). Christ also warned the house will be divided, with son against father, and daughter against mother (Luke 12:53). The enemy finds ways to keep people distracted from noticing something harmful entering the household. Hence, after teaching on how children should honor their parents, and how parents should teach their children the instruction of the Lord, Paul instructed readers to put on their full armor of God (Eph. 6:1-4, 10-17). If one understands how and why the war is not against flesh and blood, their whole perspective will change. Thus, these spiritual truths must be taught to the children, so their faith will not be shaken in this increasingly secular culture. The war is against spiritual forces of evil, rulers and authorities in the unseen realm who seek to wreak havoc in this darkened world (v. 12). Hence the faithful must be motivated to stand their ground and be strong in the Lord and His mighty power (v. 10-13). To wear the armor of God and thus valiantly stand against the enemy one must trust in the authority that comes with being in a relationship with Christ (v. 10). The first essential piece of the armor is the belt of truth which is needed if one is to keep their breastplate of righteousness in place (v. 14-15). If one fails to trust in Truth their righteousness will be out of place, thus the one who does not trust in Christ will be vulnerable to thinking what is wrong is right. Consequently, the parent who fails to trust in Christ will leave their children vulnerable to the influences of the enemy.

The enemy knows the most vulnerable mind is that of a child, for their pre-frontal cortex is still developing and thus easily programmed. If an adult mind can be so easily brainwashed, a child is much more susceptible. The simplest trick used by power-hungry individuals over the years, from cult leaders to university professors, is social engineering. Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools today, which is blatant racism in accord with the forty first goal of the communist elite.[1] Many schools are directly teaching children to view humans as being separated into two groups, the oppressors (all white people) and the oppressed (all other races).[2] Those who support the goals set against the Christian faith would love for readers to recognize how successful the enemy has been at winning the hearts and minds of the younger generation.[3] If in public schools young minds are being taught to believe a certain form of racism is justified, anyone with common sense can see where this slippery slope leads.

The plan of the enemy begins with planting a seed of distrust in the hearts of the next generation, a process involving an element of envy. When Eve was persuaded to distrust in her Heavenly Father, or when Cain felt compelled to commit fratricide, envy leading to rebellion was a key factor in both cases (Gen. 3:5, 4:4-7, 1 John 3:12). A youth may feel envious of the position of power that comes with parental authority, and this can lead to rebellion. The enemy uses his own weaknesses against those made in the image of God. Hence why the adopted children of the enemy, the religious Pharisees, were so jealous of Christ they rebelled to the point of having their very Creator put to death. Christ said these Pharisees wanted to carry out the desires of their father the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning, who did not hold to the truth (John 8:44). Yet, these children of the enemy accused Christ of serving the devil, for these envious and rebellious leaders of the law were speaking the native language of the father of lies (Matt. 12:22-32, John 8:44).      

The elect will be paying close attention to how the children are being influenced by those in the church and outside the church. The main influences in the life of a child or teenager are the parents and then their peers are the key outside influence. If the inside or the outside influence is negative this will have an expected effect on the developing worldview of the child. The enemy appeals to the emotions of emotional creatures, and the most comfortable and spoiled mind tends to be the most vulnerable. Hence, ungratefulness spreads in a privileged land, where even the poorest of inhabitants are spoiled when compared to those in most other nations. Additionally, throughout history the greatest empires spur the jealousy of those living in lands less fortunate. Hence, every great empire tends to be taken down by both inside and outside forces. If each generation continues to succumb to negative inside and outside influences, eventually the people will lose any potential for sustaining, much less defending, what is left of their realm.

The enemy seeks to set up headquarters in a primary position for corrupting the truth. The greatest empires influenced the rest of the world; thus, the enemy must seek to work from and through a place with great power and influence. From the foundations of the church the enemy sought to penetrate her walls, and sadly for centuries the church has been split (2 Pet. 2:1-3, Jude 1:4, Eph. 4:14). With multiple doctrines today there are different institutionalized churches across the world. The faithful must assume the enemy would seek to corrupt and work through the most powerful of these institutionalized churches. The enemy will seek to influence those inside the church through leaders, or a leader, with the power to mislead those outside the church. The enemy would seek to steadily corrupt this church until the people are blind to the fact the establishment is no true church of Christ. Thus, the enemy will seek to set up a false church capable of uniting with outside worldly beliefs, and other religious systems to influence a broader audience. For the elect, this false church should be easy to recognize, for she would have the most blood on her hands. As for the outside influence the enemy will seek to gain a position in the most powerful nation.[4] Those with the faith of a child, hence those who have not been influenced into forgetting common sense, will not be surprised by the plans of the enemy.

Naturally, God is right to be frustrated when those in the church fail to discern the truth from the lies, and thus fail to appropriately share the gospel. God is certainly right to be displeased when His children do not trust in the truth of His love, or when they fail to accurately represent His love and justice (Micah 7:18; Ezra 8:22; 1 John 2:5, 3:10; 4:18). Many in the church tend to go towards one extreme or another. Whether misunderstanding His grace, and contending God is not displeased with those who do evil or being like those who call out for the justice of God with a vindictive heart (Mal. 2:17). Both extremes are wrong. God is not a push over who allows His bride to take His love for granted, hence why no woman genuinely loves a man whom she cannot respect. Neither is God a cruel possessive lover who Lords Himself over those who wrong Him or takes pleasure in the death of those who rebel against Him (Eze. 18:32, 33:11, Isa. 25:8; Deut. 9:4). Hence, the soldier of Christ wears boots fitted for delivering the gospel of peace, to go share the reason for their hope with gentleness and respect, for mercy triumphs over judgment (Eph. 6:15, 1 Pet. 3:15).

Ever since the first Christian communities there have been false teachers who may appear to be delivers of the gospel of peace but stealthily use their position for selfish gain. Ultimately, there is nothing worse than when religious leaders manipulate misguided desperate souls into providing sexual favors. According to Christ, the one who hurts His little ones and causes them to stumble is on most dangerous ground (Matt. 18:6, Mark 9:42). This goes back to the enemy taking advantage of the first daughter of God. However, as God promised, from the woman the second Adam came, destined to crush the enemy (Gen. 3:15, 1 Cor. 15:21-23). Jesus Christ, the protagonist of this story, came to defeat the devil on the cross where He made a public spectacle by disarming the powers and authorities against His children (Col. 2:15). Christ declared, “Now judgment is upon this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31). Christ said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). If there is true love, there must be freedom to accept or reject this love. The disciple of Christ must hold onto the shield of faith, remaining faithful even when the church is hurting and shaken, and her leaders have fallen away (Eph. 6:16). With the shield of faith, the disciple will remain standing even if many others fall around them, for the flaming arrows of the enemy cannot pierce the faithful (v. 16). If faithfulness is not accurately represented in the church her members will be easily fooled. The religious leaders who manipulate the vulnerable are of the enemy who has been lying since the beginning of this story, but Christ will bring justice (1 John 3:8, 1 John 3:8, Rev. 20:10).

Considering the increase in knowledge and how technology has made knowledge more accessible, the enemy is going to refashion some lies from the distant past. Before Christ became the sacrificial hero for the world, humans viewed heroism in a much shallower light. Hence, those like Alexander the Great sought to be like Achilles, and others sought to be like Hercules. The ancient heroes sought after glory and wanted to be like their morally flawed gods, enjoying the decadent desires of life indefinitely. Since America is now recognized as a post-Christian nation her inhabitants seek after new gods. The cancel culture seeks to forget the past as if there are no lessons to learn from history. What was once thought to be science fiction is becoming a reality with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, and with the government confessing to the legitimacy of advanced UFO’s. Simultaneously there has been ever-growing evidence in support of Intelligent Design discovered in biology and astronomy since the discovery of DNA and the Big Bang. But instead of turning to God apparently believing in aliens is more reasonable. Directed panspermia is the idea some advanced intelligent beings were necessary for planting the seeds of life on this planet.[1] After discovering the complexity of DNA, molecular biologist Francis Crick proposed the explanation for the uniformity of the genetic code could possibly be extraterrestrial in origin.[2] This hypothesis is not as outlandish as the multiverse theory because the evidence for design is being observed and accepted.[3] One is still left wondering who created the aliens responsible for creating the life on Earth. Most often myths have grains of truth, and if a specific myth is found in all parts of the world there must be a historical base.

Apart from the biblical text there are ancient sources which speak of visitors from the stars with advanced technology. From India, the Vedas, speak of vimanas (advanced aircrafts), coming to earth over six thousand years ago, same time as the days of Noah.[4] The Ramayana and Mahabharata mentions the vimanas and in interesting detail, but there are also other ancient texts which refer to flying crafts.[5] Since the covid pandemic there has been an increase in sightings of unidentified flying objects. Considering the recent evidence for UFO’s using technology beyond human understanding, the theory being presented here is not so outlandish. In being extra-dimensional by nature the enemy would have advanced knowledge. Indeed, the footage being released shows these flying objects have extra-dimensional features, hence they appear to be supernatural. The design of these crafts and their movements are contrary to modern aerodynamics, and these UFO’s can break the sound barrier without a sonic boom.[6] According to the Fermi Paradox if intelligent ET life existed humanity would know at this point in history.[7] Computer experts believe within a century there will be AI capable of duplicating itself.[8] Combining this technology with rocket technology would lead to AI programmed space probes adept to reaching the nearest star system in 40,000 years, from where duplicates could be made and sent out to other galaxies.[9] One must ponder on the improbability of there not being advanced ET life since most planets are billions of years older than Earth. With the technology humans now possess there should at least be some detection of alien probes. Furthermore, the ET origins for humanity is improbable when one considers the hundreds of anthropic constants necessary for intelligent life to emerge on any planet. As astrophysicist Hugh Ross calculated when considering the necessary requirements for intelligent life to arise on Earth the chances are one in 10138.[10] Therefore, is highly improbable life on earth resulted from ET intelligence. Ultimately the argument for advanced ET creating life is an appeal to ignorance. Nonetheless, perhaps what today would be seen as aliens, were in the past seen as gods. The enemy fooled the ancients with a great delusion and now seems set on fooling a very fearful, distracted, and gullible generation.

Ancient cultures share the common story of gods coming down from the heavens and breeding with human women who gave birth to demigods. The exception is the Bible; however, a remarkably similar account is recorded in Genesis. Regardless of how one feels about this idea, Christ did warn before His return it will be like the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37, Luke 17:26-27). Genesis 6: 1-4 records a time when the “sons of God” בני האלהים, bene Elohim took notice of the daughters of men. “…the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (v. 4). Initial readers of this account, and those living in Jesus’ day, recognized every single time “sons of God” was used in the original Hebrew text the term meant angels.[11] Modern Jewish and Christian translators have chosen to reject the actual meaning of bene Elohim in Genesis simply because the idea of fallen angels breeding with humans is difficult to understand and accept. Sadly, many enter seminary and university with no real sense of identity. These young students tend to admire their modern professors and will believe what they are told, without even considering evidence to the contrary. Resulting from a generation of graduating students misled because of choosing to appeal to ignorance, many are now not prepared for what the enemy has planned. If the “sons of God” should interpret as “sons of Seth,” as many modern Western scholars claim, the initial writers could have simply said “sons of Seth” instead of angels. All Christian and faithful Jewish scholars recognize the Genesis account was written as history and was not intended to be read as poetry.[12] Therefore, there is no reason to assume the author of Genesis was intentionally being ambiguous at any point when writing this text. Regardless, of the arrogance of modern scholars, who literally add to, or change the original meaning of the Scriptures, those faithful to the Scriptures must accept what is there to be seen. Only the enemy who seeks to keep people blind to the truth would influence modern scholars into changing the original meaning of God’s Word. Based on the earliest interpretation of Genesis and considering all the other ancient documents, fallen angels masqueraded as gods, and were somehow able, perhaps artificially, to impregnate human women who gave birth to the heroes of old (Gen. 6:2-4).

In a modern world turning against God, an adulterated man will be seen as the measure of all things. The enemy has always strived to corrupt those made in the image of God. The enemy is not an omnipotent being capable of creating something from nothing. The enemy is not omniscient, thus only learns from experience. The enemy is not omnipresent, being able to be many places at once, or being able to see all things. Therefore, one must conclude whatever the enemy does achieve is dependent on what has already been created. In the same manner humans make use of what was already created to build anything, the enemy must do the same. The product the enemy uses the most to deceive a fallen world, is human beings, the pride of man (Eph. 2:1-3, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 12:9). In the Bible the number six is understood as being the number of men, falling short of seven which represents divine perfection.[13] Edward Hindson notes, “…the Antichrist will be the ultimate man—a super man.”[14] When analyzing the other major beliefs, one will not find a unifying message of hope stretching beyond the material realm. If intelligent atheists intentionally pursue innovations harmful towards humanity the argument for humanity flourishing as a result from survival of the fittest, seems absurd. As crazy as it sounds there is serious research being done focused on creating super humans and combining human with machine.

Being an expert in advanced technology Paul Golata observed fellow technologists obsessed with creating artificial superintelligence and actual cyborgs. Some may still find it hard to accept the possibility of the enemy sharing advanced technology with humans in the distant past. Understandably, some may not want to accept there were extra-dimensional beings who came to earth seeking to corrupt the image of God and create some sort of human-hybrids. However, one is blind to think the enemy does not make use of human technology today and will continue to do so in the future. Regarding the ASI threat to humanity, Golata noted highly intelligent people who are indifferent for, “Whatever is progress in and of itself is to be considered to be an evolutionary success.”[15] Many Christians are naïve about just how far these modern technologists are willing to go. Golata observed there is research being done for developing advanced children involving “the growth of the fertilized embryo from mother to an artificial womb...”[16] Golata presents details on how technological engineers are focusing on approaches that “…meld the human with machine.”[17] Considering advanced UFO’s, the threat of ASI, and engineers obsessed with building cyborgs, this world is ripe for a great fantasy.

The Scriptures warn of the day to come when God would send a powerful delusion because of those who refused to love the truth that would save them (2 Thess. 2:10-11). Christ made clear the elect would not be fooled by the signs and wonders to be performed by false Christs and false prophets (Matt. 24:24). In a world where hope exists one feels compelled to assume there must be a greater good outweighing the evil in the world. In this story those on the side of the sacrificial hero win over those who oppose Him. So, although one might accuse the faithful of reasoning like a child, the wiser choice seems simple enough. The faithful will not be fooled by the counterfeit wonders of the enemy, which will fall short compared to the creating power of the one true God who can and has raised the dead (2 Thess. 2:9, Heb. 2:14). The enemy cannot fool the one wearing the helmet of salvation, for the disciple of Christ will guard their mind with the help of the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:17). Hope, and faith sustain the one who understands the love of the Father, but the greatest strength for the disciple of Christ is love (1 Cor. 13:13, Gal. 5:6, 1 Thess. 1:3). Those with the most promising hope are the humble who have received grace for loving their Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love (Eph. 6:24, James 4:7, 1 Pet. 5:6).

The enemy is addicted to the malevolence God has tolerated. Despite the lying, slandering, inflicting disease, opposing, tempting, removing of the seed, and the weeds sowed by the devil, the faithful destined to bring glory to the Author of this story will arise victorious (John 8:44, Job 1:9-11, 2:7, Zech. 3:1, Matt. 4:1, 13:19, 38-39). The obstacles and trials in life have helped mold the character of these vessels who remained dependent on the counseling of the Holy Spirit. The enemy does look for whom he can devour, but those who trust in Christ will be self-controlled and alert to the schemes of the enemy (1 Pet. 5:8). There will be suffering in this world but have peace and be of good cheer knowing Christ, the hero of this story, has overcome this world for those who trust in Him (John 16:33).

Those in support of the enemy are easy to recognize, for they seek after keeping people ignorant of the truth, so they will be easier to manipulate and control. Most clearly a villain is recognized when one seeks to dumb down children, and intentionally lies for selfish gain. Those who are to be trusted are the ones striving to show others how to tell the difference between the lies and the truth, so accordingly they may walk in the truth and help others do the same (John 3:21, 18:37). God willing readers will seek after Truth so their minds will be set free, and then they shall be free indeed (John 8:32-36).

 Increase of UFO Sightings Since Pandemic

[1] US Congress, House of Representatives. Current Communist Goals: Extension of Remarks of Hon. A. S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, Congressional Record – Appendix, pp. A34-A35, January 10, 1963. Mrs. Patricia Nordman of DeFland, in being dedicated against the dangers of communism in America, identifies “Current Communist Goals” as verified in The Naked Communist by former FBI agent Cleon Skousen; Cleon W. Skousen, The Naked Communist, Ninth ed., (Salt Lake City: Ensign Pub. Co, 1961), Chap. 12.

[2] Alex Newman, “Echoes of Mao: Weaponizing Schools With ‘Critical Race Theory,’” The Epoch Times, April 21-27, 2021.

[3] Skousen, Chap. 7.

[4] The enemy knows for the Antichrist to conquer the world force will not be necessary. The enemy need only gain control of the communications systems running the world, through which a ‘New World Order’ can be established in fulfillment of Revelation 13; Lalonde, One World Under Antichrist, 23; Biblical scholars recognize America, or a city in America, may be the Babylon of Revelation, for Silicon Valley and Hollywood greatly influences the rest of the world. Revelation makes clear in some form this great city has always existed, “It is the epitome of the kingdom of Satan-the “city of man.” It is opposed to and has always been opposed to the “city of God.”; Edward Hindson, The Book of Revelation: Unlocking the Future, (AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN, 2002), 176. The seeker of truth must consider why the Beast hates the Harlot, for though she is used for profit, by the time she is so fallen that she is delusional to claim she is not a widow, she may still claim to be “One nation under God” (Rev. 17:16, 18:3-7).

[2] Ibid., 344-345.

[3] Cosmologist Paul Davies ridiculed the multiverse hypothesis as a slippery slope into the absurd, and stated, “As one slips down that slope, more and more must be accepted on faith, and less and less is open to scientific verification. Extreme multiverse explanations are therefore reminiscent of theological discussions,” Paul Davis, “A Brief History of the Multiverse,” (New York Times, 12 April 2003); Liz Evers, It’s About Time, (New York, NY: Metro Books, 2015), 191-192. 

[4] Mukunda, H.S.; Deshpande, S.M.; Nagendra, H.R.; Prabhu, A.; Govindraju, S.P. (1974). "A critical study of the work "Vyamanika Shastra"" (PDF). Scientific Opinion: 5–12. Retrieved 2007-09-03.

[5] See also Baopuzi of ancient China, and ancient Babylonian law Halkatha. 

[6] Steinbuch, Yaron. “Pentagon Whistleblower Warns of UFO Intelligence Failure on 'Level of 9/11'.” New York Post. New York Post, April 30, 2021. Last modified April 30, 2021. Accessed May 3, 2021.

[7] Frank J. Tipler, “Intelligent Life in Cosmology,” (International Journal of Astrobiology, Vol. 2(2): 141-148 (2003), 2.

[8] Tipler, “Intelligent Life in Cosmology,” 2.

[9] Ibid., 3.

[10] Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, (Wheaton, IL. Crossway Books, 2004), 106.

[11] The earliest sources interpret “sons of God” as angels; the Dead Sea Scrolls (Genesis Apocryphon, Damascus document 4Q180), Enochic literature, Jubilees, 2 Baruch, Josephus, The Work of Flavius Josephus; Antiquities of the Jews, (London: G.G. Rutledge), 1.3.1., Jude, Job 1:6, 2:1, Septuagint the reading of “angels” is found in Codex Alexandrinus; also see W.F. Albright, From the Stone Age to Christianity, (Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1940), 226; Companion Bible (Oxford University Press), Appendix 26.     

[12] K.A. Kitchen, On the Reliability of the Old Testament, (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003), 421; Daniel I. Block, Israel Ancient Kingdom or Late Invention?, (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2008.)

[13] Hindson, The Book of Revelation, 147.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Paul Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2018), 134.

[16] Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design87.

[17] Ibid., 88.


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