Asking “if God exists why do bad/unjust things happen”; this is not a logical question to start an argument against the existence of an intelligent designer. For who are you to determine what is right and wrong? You open the door for another question, “Who is the moral law giver?”
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Coming full circle, God is.
I ‘m sitting at a cubicle now, drinking coffee (black), I take a small drink and the coffee is warm, smelling strong. The weather outside is overcast and cold. The thick gray clouds block the sun. I am writing to you. I’m talking to you. I’m feeling melancholy, though I’m not sure why. I’m frustrated because of many changes on the horizon… You’re seeing where I’m at this moment, but at this moment you’re in a different time and place. You saw my desk, my cup of coffee; you can even hear my tone now in your mind as you read this. We’re communicating without saying a word out loud. Do you question the importance of the written word? I exist to you, even if only in your mind, we can be sure we both are able to question, visualize, and communicate; we exist. You can’t prove my existence by any scientific means. You can’t prove how you’re able to see me in this moment, and hear my tone, yet our existence is unquestionable. Even if nothing else you saw is real, you know the words in this paragraph are, for you see them. Knowing I am actually Consul Nicholas Moore, this would take faith, but knowing I (the writer of this) exists, this cannot be logically argued.
Who is God though? This should be the question involving faith, instead of asking if God is. I have never personally met the President, but I know who the President of the United States is, although I don’t really know him… My faith in your existence is just as easy as this, even though I have never met you in person.
Asking “if God exists why do bad/unjust things happen”; this is not a logical question to start an argument against the existence of an intelligent designer. For who are you to determine what is right and wrong? You open the door for another question, “Who is the moral law giver?”
Asking “if God exists why do bad/unjust things happen”; this is not a logical question to start an argument against the existence of an intelligent designer. For who are you to determine what is right and wrong? You open the door for another question, “Who is the moral law giver?”
We don’t need brains to exist on a world with oxygen and sustenance. How come we're able to think as we do?
The number 2 is an even number. How do we know? Because it’s not an odd number.
A triangle has three straight lines. How do we know? Because this is how we draw and see a triangle.
The basic building blocks of life are cells. How do we know? This has been observed in science.
You are. How do you know? Because you can think; you can ask why. (This is one thing you can be certain of; you are.)
God is. How do you know? Numbers exist and they are complex. Shapes exist. Cells exist. You most certainly exist. Science does not use chance as a means of discovering answers, there are scientific laws which govern everything, these laws of science exist, and laws are created, so God is.
You know making sense is important if somebody wants to convince you of anything. Why?
You know when you want something, and what you’d have to do to acquire what you desire.
You know the sense of satisfaction you have when you overcome an obstacle in life, and gain success. Why do you feel so good when you win?
Why are you able to question?
“I think therefore I am.” Say this to yourself. "I think therefore I am!"
If everything is meaningless, as some may declare, how could their claim have meaning?
“I am always brought back to the fact that it is only what I clearly and distinctly perceive that completely convinces me. Some of the things I clearly and distinctly perceive are obvious to everyone, while others are discovered only by those who look more closely and investigate more carefully; but once they have been discovered, the latter are judged to be just as certain as the former. In the case of a right-angled triangle, for example, the fact that the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the square on the other two sides is not so readily apparent as the fact that the hypotenuse subtends the largest angle; but once one has seen it, one believes it just as strongly.”
“But if the mere fact that I can produce from my thought the idea of something entails that everything which I clearly and distinctly perceive to belong to that thing really does belong to it, is not this a possible basis for another argument to prove the existence of God? Certainly, the idea of God, or a supremely perfect being, is one that I find within me just as surely as the idea of any shape or number. And my understanding that it belongs to his nature that he always exists is no less clear and distinct than is the case when I prove of any shape or number that some property belongs to its nature (AT 7:65; CSM 2:45).”
I think therefore I am,
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