The Insane Idea Of Money by Theo Caprier

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Money has probably enslaved more people than religion, and like religion what started as an innocent idea, not intended to hurt anyone, has become a means of controlling all of humanity. The one person a human lies to the most is their self.
Money is an example in how humans are prone to easily being brainwashed, or being easily misled by an authoritative figure. (The Milgram Experiment offers an excellent example to prove this); 
Being so easily brainwashed, and choosing to be enslaved; this does not have to be the case. There was a time when a human was able to be free from money, a time when a tribe could be apart from local tribes while being in peaceful relations with their neighbors as well. There was trading but each group provided for their selves for the most part. They even lived wealthy lives because of the resources they acquired. The authoritative figures were easy to recognize for they were the elders, or those who proved to have natural talents. For example, in a particular tribe, (back before the Vikings came to America), if someone proved to be a better bowman they would become the primary instructor to teach the younger ones how to hunt with a bow. If another member of this tribe proved to be a better tracker, the others would trust this proven expert’ senses during the hunt, instead of relying only on their senses. The Chief of this tribe was highly skilled in all areas most necessary for survival. This particular tribe recognized how all members were like the parts to a body, for each individual had value. But just like the arm isn’t a leg and a nose isn’t an eye, the different members of this tribe accepted who they were and they were at peace with this. How this decision of identity was made, it varied, but the decision was made when the tribal member was in their early twenties. In America today people struggle when it comes to knowing how to define who they are as individuals. Most of the time they never know what they want to be, and they surely never know what they should be. The average American today knows that they want to be rich. Today there are celebrities who cannot be defined, yet because they have inherited wealth, or because they do a good job at playing pretend they are revered. Today money defines ones status, money deems whether someone is worthy of respect, or whether they have any value. Sadly so many very talented people are destroyed and stolen from by those who have the most green paper. Today a father cannot provide for his family if he doesn’t make enough money, and the fact that this seems like common sense to people today, this amazes me, for this should not be the case. A Viking Chieftain did not earn their position by means of money, and neither did a Native American Chief. Today the average patriarch doesn’t have the skills necessary to provide food, shelter, and purpose for their families apart from the confines of a money dependent society. This truth in itself confirms that money has been used to brainwash and enslave humanity.
Today money is paper, and nothing more. People who claim to be logical minded and rational believe money is so much more, but in reality it doesn’t have to be, this is an illusion. This green paper in America is what society says Americans must have to be anybody in this nation; this has become the American Dream, but this is also a great lie. Today we have leaders who are not the best qualified to lead, yet because they have the money they are placed in an authoritative position. In our nations Congress today if you are not wealthy then you cannot afford to be a leader of this nation. While being in an undeserved and bought position of authority the unqualified could mislead millions. A very dangerous time we are living in because of the self destructive illusion of money today. It’s not too late for people to choose to balance out this madness.
A person can still choose to be free in this nation. Since the average human today lacks the skills necessary, and likely they don’t have their own land, they should save up just enough of the green paper so as to buy a plot of land first, even if only an acre. Once they have this land they should save up a little bit more of the green paper, and then they should buy seeds for a few vegetables and herbs necessary for survival. Before going to their land they should also acquire a couple chickens. A person can still live free today, and be at peace. Most people don’t understand how starting a life like this could be better than living in the manner which the reality shows define as “rich”. So the average American today will never try it. The wealthy live with more regret than the average American realizes, and the wealthy are not more free. 
 Money seemed like a good idea at first, but the shell, precious medal, or paper was supposed to be an “I owe you” on whatever item was being traded. Now the money is just paper and those who have the most access to the green paper are keeping the multitudes brainwashed into thinking the paper has more value than land, livestock, food, children, families, souls, or truth. The worst part is that humanity didn’t create this lie on purpose, it was an accident, and today the wealthy hardly recognize what they are doing when they brainwash even themselves.  
(Please check out more of Theo's posts  He is new to the blogging community but he has some interesting ideas to share.)


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