"A dangerous ideology is one of the largest threats to our world today. To win any war one must understand the enemies’ mindset, thus the foundation their beliefs are built upon...
Seek after truth, find the truth, and the Truth shall set you free."

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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Truth is Obvious to Those with Eyes to See

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At present the mean orange guy is out of office, who so many seemed to believe was the great villain to blame for all the evils of 2020. Now in fear many are being vaccinated for an obviously unnatural super flu that reaches beyond boundaries worldwide, unlike any flu before. As expected, by seekers of truth, now that someone from the left is president of the U.S., Russia, and China are ready to talk big again. Furthermore, as expected the delusional sheep are once again too distracted to notice what the greater threat truly is. The delusional readers can look back at prior posts from years ago on this blog and see the writers here are not in the least bit surprised by the direction the sheep are being led, for it is all quite predictable. Hence, the true enemy has so much faith in their ideology because they too study the patterns involving the actions of humanity, their cycles of insanity throughout history. 

Recently, Putin made clear there is a growing alliance with China where they are sharing military secrets with each other. In a state of the union address Putin declared for all Western leaders to hear clearly, that any leaders perceived to provoke a threat to Russia’s security would “regret their deeds more than they have regretted anything in a long time."

According to Newsweek,

‘Putin reminded Western leaders of the country's nuclear arsenal and warned the West not to cross a "red line."

Putin has not ruled out a Russia-China military alliance. In October, he said it was "quite possible to imagine it" and pointed to the war games the two countries' armed forces participated in and Russia's sharing of sensitive military technologies with China.

Ties between the two countries have seemed to deepen over the past few months and Wang said in January China sees "no limit" for "how far this cooperation can go."

As the two countries seem to be growing closer, relations between Russia and the West have been growing more distant.’

The agenda from the enemy of democracy and Christianity has been taking place inside America for years, as the schools and seminaries are even doing their part to brain wash the next generation into peacefully submitting to slavery. The idea is to weaken the faith of the next generation, convince them there are only ever the oppressed and the oppressors (Critical Race Theory), and thus democracy has failed.

(Critical Race Theory, being taught to children in American schools today, is blatant racism in accord with the forty first goal of the communist elite.[1] Many schools are directly teaching children to view humans as being separated into two groups, the oppressors (all white people) and the oppressed (all other races).[2]

Naturally the most vulnerable mind is the mind of a child, one in which the pre-frontal cortex is still developing. If an adult mind can be easily brainwashed, how much more vulnerable is the mind of a child? The simplest trick used by power-hungry individuals over the years, from cult leaders to university professors, is social engineering. There is one political party today whose founders openly confessed to believing humans are ignorant and in need of controlling. After the Cold War, the leaders of this party made their plans out in the open, which is of course the best place to hide in a free nation filled with rattled sheep. The plan was to infiltrate the schools, the churches, and the social media outlets, with the end goal of indoctrinating the children. Simple plan was to change the original name of the party into something more appealing, indoctrinate the children, and the next generation willingly hands over their freedom.

The smoking gun has been in the same place for years, verified by the FBI, published for all to see, and the 45 goals established by this party to gain control has just about been reached.[1] The agenda is not hidden and in fact those who proudly stand for the goals set forth by the communist elite would love for you to recognize how successfully their party is winning hearts and minds.[2] Only several of these reached goals directed towards the children need be listed here, and the reader can determine whether there is reason for concern.

These goals that were set in place years before any of them came to pass, goals for taking down America from the inside. Regardless of how readers feel about this list, the truth is the truth, and if the majority refuse to accept the truth, then the people shall not be set free.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture -- education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.[3]

The storm must wage now through the church, through this country. Christ warned of a great delusion where lovers of sin who refuse to love the truth will be fooled, yet everyone on the side of truth will listen to Christ (Matt. 24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, John 18:37).

[1] US Congress, House of Representatives. Current Communist Goals: Extension of Remarks of Hon. A. S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, Congressional Record – Appendix, pp. A34-A35, January 10, 1963. Mrs. Patricia Nordman of DeFland, in being dedicated against the dangers of communism in America, identifies “Current Communist Goals” as verified in The Naked Communist by former FBI agent Cleon Skousen.

Cleon W. Skousen, The Naked Communist, Ninth ed., (Salt Lake City: Ensign Pub. Co, 1961), Chap. 12.

[2] Alex Newman, “Echoes of Mao: Weaponizing Schools With ‘Critical Race Theory,’” The Epoch Times, April 21-27, 2021.




    [3] Skousen, The Naked Communist, Chap. 12.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Analysis of The Ethics of Superintelligent Design : A Christian View of the Theological and Moral Implications of Artificial Superintelligence

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Humans have greatly increased in knowledge, and artificial intelligence has been an unnerving reality heading in a dangerous direction. Having worked in the field of advanced technology Paul Golata has observed the dangers involved when one seeks to create artificial superintelligence without esteeming Christian values. Being a Christian ethicist Golata frequently cites scripture, consenting the word of God to be the ultimate guide for how one should humbly make use of their mind. Without appreciating intelligence as a gift from God people are prone to believing humanity can play God. As argued in this text the evident self-idolatry for those pursuing ASI will not only hinder true progress but will result in human ingenuity bringing forth new threats to humanity.


Golata argues since people are created in the image of God any kind of artificial intelligence people create should also morally reflect the image of the One who created the human mind.[1] Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) has already been designed but is not fully equal with human intelligence, and artificial general intelligence (AGI), where the machine has equal or exceeding intelligence, has not yet been developed.[2] The primary concern being addressed in this text is the possible creation of artificial superintelligence (ASI) with a complete disregard for biblical ethics. The majority of those working in this field of technology do not believe humans were made to reflect the moral character of God, thus Christian ethics are not considered necessary to program into ASI. The reality of ASI may not seem to be soon to arrive but Golata is right to come forward now because technology is increasing at a rapid rate.

How one understands the origins of the mind will have an impact on how one views ethics in hand with ASI. Golata reviews the naturalistic view of human origins in comparison to the Biblical perspective with emphasis placed on how the naturalistic perspective is the dominating view for those seeking to make ASI a reality.[3] Much of the text addresses the obvious problems with the naturalistic view of those working with advanced technology. Golata does well to argue against the naturalist view of creation which supports the belief in the human mind being an accidental byproduct of evolution.[4] Golata turns the tables on the atheist who claims the burden of proof is on the Christian. The naturalist recognizes the universe had a first cause, there is an ordered structure in nature, and there are laws keeping chaos from ruling supreme.[5] Golata does a fine job of arguing against all that the ASI thinkers hope to accomplish, upon seeing the irrational worldview of those pursuing ASI without consideration of the reason God created the human mind.

The ASI would have no reason to respect humanity if the knowledge of their creators being made in the image of God is not programmed into the system. There are those who believe although AI can pose a threat to humanity perhaps the programmers could ensure the AI will have goals set for the betterment of humanity.[6] This does not seem likely if the AI has no reason to believe humanity has any esteemed value. The greater does not naturally serve the lesser. Although AI may be easier to control, Golata argues ASI would not respect human values if the belief in objective moral values is not programmed into the system. If ASI has no understanding of humanity being made in the image of God, this creation will have no reason to revere their creator. Golata does well to address how those who willingly pursue the creation of ASI are acting contrary to the evolutionary perspective on self-preservation.[7] Sadly, the atheistic intellectuals will ignore the biblical perspective endorsed by Golata, and the Christians working in this field of technology are few. Golata does a fine job of comparing the atheistic ethical views on ASI to the Christian ethics one must consider when pursuing this technology. In conclusion Golata gives a final warning on the necessity for biblical ethics being implemented into ASI, otherwise the outcome could prove disastrous for humanity.[8]


This book does well to address concerns the Christian community must be aware of as technology increases towards a very perilous level. Those seeking materialistic perfection are being exceptionally dangerous, and Golata does well to explain how these ASI pursuers are destined for disappointment. Where God desires for people to be conformed to the image of Christ the human designer does not want ASI to conform to their image.[9] This creation would certainly have no reason for wanting to conform to the lesser image of their creators. The concept of Christ loving the creation so much He was willing to die for those beneath Him would make no logical sense to ASI. With regards to how humanity defines morality Golata does well to address the faulty reasoning of the ASI pursuers opposed to the Christian view of ethics. The rationality of Christian morals is addressed throughout the text, for if ASI is unable to recognize Christian ethics are rational the betterment of humanity will be of no concern.[10] Golata does well to argue against the irrational and contradicting objectives of the naturalists pursuing ASI. There is no denying the eventual result of this research would be the creation of an indifferent god, who may or may not find valuable use for humanity.

A most interesting point Golata makes is how contradicting these atheist thinkers are considering the Darwinian view of survival. If survival of the fittest is the driving force responsible for human ingenuity the creation of ASI would not make much sense. Creating tools helpful for human survival would make sense from an evolutionary perspective, but intentionally seeking to create a higher intelligence would be conflicting with Darwinian ethics. There is a clear contradiction when the atheists pursuing ASI are indifferent to the risk of their creation overpowering humanity. As Golata does well to note, resulting from this cold reasoning, “evolutionary naturalists are caught in a dilemma.”[11] The fact humans are seeking to create ASI is a clear sign when Christ is rejected even the most intelligent mind can prove to be the most foolish. If evolution is true, this process should not lead the most advanced species to the point of intentionally innovating a higher intelligence. As Golata makes clear since the atheistic naturalists reject belief in objective morality their focus is on “the drive for active life and agential power over and against others.”[12] If ASI is launched without any solid foundational understanding of ethics survival of the fittest would certainly not be in favor of the less intelligent humans.[13] Golata does a fine job arguing the best way to ensure safety with ASI would be if the machine or program is installed with the knowledge of the ethical boundaries prescribed in the Bible.[14] As much as readers will find good reason for respecting Golata’s argument perhaps installing Christian ethics would not be enough to quench the risks involved with creating ASI.

Since ASI would not have a soul, this creation will not need to be accountable for any unethical actions. One must consider what the outcome would truly be if the Bible were downloaded into the artificial mind. If believing the gospel and truly being super intelligent ASI would recognize its ephemeral existence is meaningless in comparison to the redeemed. If accepting the Bible as true ASI would know it has no power to change the will of God. This knowledge may provide good reason for its self-destruction. The other possible outcome may be more frightening. If believing the Bible to be true and recognizing only humans are morally obligated to God, the ASI would attempt to make logical sense of its purpose. Perhaps in knowing humans have souls destined for Heaven or Hell the ASI will attempt to eradicate all Christians from the Earth. Logically if the ASI is aware of its intelligence being superior to humans it would believe God allowed it to be created for good reason. Death has no sting for the Christian who is destined for Heaven, for where the faithful are set free those who reject Christ are slaves to sin. Considering ASI would not receive guidance from the Holy Spirit the super intelligence will either be short lived at will, or the outcome would somehow be in accordance with God’s will and in connection to biblical prophecy. If the latter is correct the outcome will not be viewed as decent from the perspective of those who survive.

            Golata argues if the foundational programming of ASI is grounded in Darwinian values the result may prove disastrous, however the very creation of ASI seems ethically unsound. Humanity has no need for creating something with higher intelligence than humanity unless there is no trust in the eternal mind of God. Golata does well to warn such a creation as ASI will naturally see the greater values being the pursuit of more power, and sustained preservation by any means necessary.[15] Although Golata stresses the need for future ASI being programmed with the data of Christian ethics, perhaps this would not prove satisfactory. What ethics apply to humanity would not necessarily apply to the created superintelligence. Since the ASI would not have a moral obligation to God, the ASI would have no moral obligation to their creators either.

            Pursuing ASI should not make much sense from a Christian perspective, however if ASI proves inevitable two specific moral truths must be in the programming. If ASI is to become a reality this creation must recognize the two greatest commandments are of the utmost value. If the created intelligence believes a supreme perfect mind is responsible for creating humans perhaps by default any evolutionary inspired values would have a boundary. For where the ASI obsessed naturalists fail to respect their boundaries perhaps their creation will respect boundaries set by the programming of Matthew 22:36-40 into the system. Such prideful people would not consider such an idea though because this would expose the contradiction in their naturalistic reasoning. If the programmers deny the existence of absolute moral truths accordingly programming a presupposed lie into ASI would prove unproductive. Instead, the atheist designers believe if the ASI has collective intelligence this creation will naturally seek after progressive goals. The ASI defenders believe just as humanity has advanced because of collective intelligence perhaps ASI would operate in the same manner.[16] To this idea Golata does well to remind readers of the Tower of Babel where the pride of man led to God dispersing humanity and thus intentionally decreasing their collective intelligence.[17] If seeking to build a tower to Heaven is wrong trying to create an intelligence supreme to humanity is wrong. As Golata rightly states, “To learn how to survive in the future with technology requires mankind to understand who we are now and where we originated.”[18] Though this is most likely the best book addressing the concern with ASI from a Christian perspective, the quest for ASI should be discouraged entirely.



In The Ethics of Superintelligent Design Golata rightfully calls attention to the danger of technology if Christ is rejected. Controlled AI is reasonable for the mind seeking after the betterment of humanity and for the glory of God. The creation of ASI is insane and immoral. There is no need for ASI if one trusts in the supreme intelligence of God. Golata does a great job of addressing how irrational one must be when pursuing such technology without consideration of biblical ethics, but the Christian must accept there is no reason for creating ASI whatsoever. 



[1] Paul Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2018), 7-8.

[2] Ibid., 3.

[3] Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, 14.

[4] Ibid., 15.

[5] Ibid., 16-17.

[6] Ibid., 99.

[8] Ibid., 168.

[9] Ibid., 35.

[10] Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, 38.

[12] Ibid., 136.

[13] Ibid., 139.

[14] Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, 134.

[16] Ibid., 90-91.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Golata, The Ethics of Superintelligent Design, 153.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Unbiased Seekers of Truth will Accept the Evidence

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 Jesus Christ as the risen Savior is a historical fact regardless of your feelings on the matter;

Why would someone be willing to abandon their long-held sacred beliefs and practices for a lie that would lead to their death?
Why would someone still stand on a lie if all they would have to do to save their life would be to deny their claim?
“Skeptics must provide more than alternative theories to the resurrection; they must provide first-century evidence for those theories.”
Gary Habermas (leading historian and scholar on Jesus Christ).
The New Testament was written within five to twenty-five years of the events, by contrast the history we have of Alexander the Great was written hundreds of years after his death. There are multiple known outside sources (apart from the multiple eyewitness accounts in the bible), that mention the living Jesus. The Talmud (a Jewish source) labels Jesus as being a sorcerer, and they confirm his miracles. The ten known non-Christian sources were written within a couple generations of Him ascending. By contrast, there are only nine sources that mention Tiberius Caesar, who was the Roman emperor at the time of Jesus, and these sources were written within over 150 years of his life.
Scholar and theologian J.P. Moreland explained the significance of the evidence for Jesus outside the New Testament in the two paragraphs below;
Roman and Greek historians during or shortly after Jesus’ life were geographically distant from Judea and Galilee. Moreover, this location was a remote and unimportant outpost far, far away from Rome, so there was little interest in what happened there. And there were countless numbers of religious figures, social and political movements, great unrest and instability in Judea and Galilee, and little attention is paid to many key figures besides Jesus. Further, we must recall that much of ancient literature has been lost, so it is entirely plausible that Jesus was referred to more than He is in the documents we have.
Setting aside the New Testament documents, we have clear references to Jesus made by Roman, Jewish, and Greek historians. From these we get the following picture: Jesus was a Jewish teacher who had a group of disciples; He was a wonder worker of some sort, performing healings and exorcisms; He was rejected by the Jewish leaders and crucified by Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius Caesar; the sky turned dark at the time of His crucifixion (the pagan historian Thallus explains this as an eclipse of the sun!); His followers claimed to have seen Him risen from the dead shortly after His crucifixion; and the Christian movement spread so rapidly that within a few decades it had taken root in Rome itself. 1 In AD 49, the Roman emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome because they were disputing over “Chrestus,” most likely because the preaching of Jesus in Roman synagogues created a large disturbance in Rome. (Love Your God with All Your Mind. Tyndale House Publishers, (Colorado Springs, CO. NavPress, 2012).
The following writers outside the Bible refer either to Christ, or the events mentioned in the New Testament, or both; Flavius Josephus (AD 37-101, Tacitus (A.D. c.55-A.D. c.117, Roman historian, Thallus (Circa AD 52, eclipse of the sun), Pliny the Younger mentioned Christ, again, The Talmud, and Lucian (circa 120-after 180) mentions Jesus.
The historical accounts for Jesus are much earlier than the writings attributed to other famous figures in antiquity. This should mean the accounts about Jesus are far more reliable than the following historical documents; Homer's history of the Trojan war was written 500 years after the events. Herodotus 1,400 years after the events, Plato 1,200 years, history of Caesar 1,000 years after, and Pliny 750 years later. There are more manuscript copies of the New Testament than for all the great Greek philosophers mentioned here, and the history of Caesar. So, why is the history of Jesus and the New Testament documents questioned the most when it comes to accuracy of history? The main reason people do not trust the New Testament is because of the miracles. However, this reasoning does not stand for it is dependent on the logical fallacies appeal to ignorance and appeal to emotions.
Predating the gospel accounts 1 Corinthians 15:3-19 is one of the earliest documented pieces of evidence concerning the ressurection, written within two to three years after Christ died on the cross; ‘For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas/Peter, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.9 For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 11 Whether, then, it is I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed. But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.’
Simplest Argument for Christ Resurrected: Compare and Contrast Leading skeptical theories regarding Jesus Christ and the Resurrection with the accepted Historical Facts listed later in this post:
1. Swoon theory, aka “he wasn’t dead.”
Evidence against this theory: Jesus was stabbed in the heart, as witnessed and confirmed by Romans as well as Jews. He was dead. (This has been verified by Roman and Jewish sources as well. Even atheists know that Jesus was killed.)
2. Hallucination theory… Maybe every person who claimed to see Him resurrected was tripping on something.
Evidence against this theory: Multiple people do not have the same hallucination; it doesn’t work that way. Plus, the tomb was empty. Romans or Jews could have paraded his body all around the town if they wanted to shut up the spreading idea of Jesus resurrected. The body was never found.
3. The witnesses went to the wrong tomb.
Evidence against the theory: This doesn’t make sense. “All of the Jews and the Romans had a permanent kind of “collective amnesia” about what they had done with the body of Jesus.” William Lane Craig.
4. Disciples stole the body.
Evidence against this theory: “For some inexplicable reason, they stole the body in order to get themselves beaten, tortured, and martyred!” The disciples slipped past the Roman guards, and moved a large stone with their bare hands, unnoticed. Plus, this doesn’t explain away the other eyewitness accounts. (Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 52-54) confirmed Jesus was put to death by Pontius Pilate, and he confirms that Christians’ worshiped Him. There is also Lucian of Samosta, Flavius Josephus, and Suetonius.)
5. The New Testament writers copied pagan resurrection myths. (This is my favorite one).
Evidence against this theory: Why would the disciples do this? Did they think it would be cool to die as a result of plagiarism and a lie? Marduk, Adonis, and Osiris are not historical figures. They are mythological gods. Everything said about them and what they did is not historically verifiable, because they are make believe. No eyewitnesses to the make believe. Pagan myth theory cannot explain the empty tomb, the martyrdom of the eyewitnesses, or the testimony of the non-Christian writings. (This theory is the most popular one today, which is proof of how uninformed people are these days. Whole books have been written on this subject so that money can be made off the gullible.) Archeology proves that Christ was worshiped as God long before Constantine; “Two mosaics inside the church — one covered with fish, an ancient Christian symbol that predated the widespread use of the cross symbol — tell the story of a Roman officer and a woman named Aketous who donated money to build the church in the memory “of the God, Jesus Christ.” http://www.nbcnews.com/.../archaeologists-unveil.../...
In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him… So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us (John 1: 1-4, 14, NLT).
This above passage from John, has been discovered in an ancient manuscript, and it is carbon-dated at 175-225 A.D. Again, this is further evidence Jesus was clearly spoken of as God over a hundred years before Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea. We now see that forensic manuscript evidence contradicts the claim that Jesus’ divinity was a fourth century invention.
12 historical facts considering Jesus and Christianity Agreed by Skeptical scholars
1. Jesus died by Roman crucifixion.
2. He was buried in a private tomb.
3. Soon afterwards the disciples were discouraged, bereaved, and despondent, having lost hope.
4. Jesus tomb was found empty very soon after his burial.
5. The disciples had experiences that they believed were actual appearances of the risen Jesus.
6. Due to these experiences, the disciples’ lives were thoroughly transformed. They were even willing to die for their belief.
7. The proclamation of the Resurrection took place very early, from the beginning of church history.
8. The disciples’ public testimony and preaching of the Resurrection took place in the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus had been crucified and buried shortly before. (Why would they do something so crazy and dangerous?)
9. The gospel message centered on the preaching of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
10. Sunday was the primary day for gathering and worshiping.
11. James, the brother of Jesus and a skeptic before this time, was converted when he believed he also saw the risen Jesus.
12. Just a few years later, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) became a Christian believer, due to an experience that he also believed was an appearance of the risen Jesus. (He went from being a Pharisee who persecuted the Christians’ to becoming one of the leading Christian figures, up to his martyrdom.)
There is Physical Evidence:
For those who claim there is absolutely no evidence Jesus lived; "As reported by CNN, in 2002 archaeologists discovered a 2,000-year-old “bone box” inscribed with Aramaic words that translated to: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." It was potentially the first physical evidence of Jesus’... One theory, as professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary, Ben Witherington III explained to CNN, was that Jesus and James were indeed full brothers (James was younger).
"The New Testament says nothing about Mary being a perpetual virgin, it says she virginally conceived Jesus, and it certainly implies that she went on to have more children after that, and his brothers and sisters are in fact his brothers and sisters," Witherington told CNN.
The evidence is there for the one seeking after genuine hope and purpose for life. As Jesus said,
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" (Matt. 7:7-8 NIV).
Further sources to help you make a decision not based on emotions, popular opinion, or a lack of knowledge:
Bauckham, Richard. Jesus and the God of Israel. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, 2009.
Block, Daniel Isaac. Israel: Ancient Kingdom or Late Invention? Nashville, TN: B & H Academic, 2008.
Bock, Darrell L., Studying the Historical Jesus. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing, 2002.
Cook, John Granger. "Resurrection in Paganism and the Question of an Empty Tomb in 1 Corinthians 15." New Testament Studies 63, no. 1 (01, 2017).
Geisler, L. Norman, and Turek, Frank. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist. Wheaton, IL. Crossway Books, 2004.
Groothuis, Douglas. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith. Downers Grove: IL. InterVarsity Press, 2011.
Habermas, Gary R. The Risen Jesus & Future Hope. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
Kostenberger, Andreas J., Darrell L. Bock, and Josh D. Chatraw. Truth in a Culture of Doubt. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2014.
Moreland, J.P. Love the Lord Your God with all Your Mind. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2012.
Swamidass, Joshua S. The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry. Downers Grove: IL, IVP Academic, 2019.

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The shared vision for all of us here at Moore Enterprises: "The united; the new republic. They had everything in common, and they lived a balanced life. Selling their possessions and goods, to give to their brothers and sisters who were in need; for no one would be without. Each member felt peace and lived a comfortable life, growing together in a prosperity more valuable than simply material wealth. Every day they met together and taught each other, growing in wisdom, and love. No one was intimidated by the other, but instead each recognized what their brothers' and sisters' had to offer for the tribe. They encouraged each other, and their children grew up much the same; stable in all key areas and seeing no sense in discrimination. They broke bread and ate together in their homes, which they all helped manage when there was need. There was peace of mind, for no one lived in excess and all were provided for. Their foundation was strong; their new beginning and their future was bright and new. Because of their generosity, their prosperity multiplied... Their numbers grew daily; those who were saved from the past generations greed..."

We Are Nicholas Moore

We Are Nicholas Moore
“Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
