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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Earlier, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell was somewhat more
critical in remarks of his own.
"The president seems to think that if all he talks about are taxes, and
that's all reporters write about, somehow the rest of us will magically forget
that government spending is completely out of control and that he himself has
been insisting on balance," he said on the Senate floor.
He highlighted several government programs as examples of what he said was
wasteful spending.
"A few weeks ago, Senator (Tom) Coburn issued a study that showed taxpayers
are funding Moroccan pottery classes, promoting shampoo and other beauty
products for cats and dogs and a video game that allows them to relive prom
night," McConnell said. "Get this: Taxpayers also just spent $325,000 on a
robotic squirrel named RoboSquirrel."
The White House summary noted that Obama last year signed legislation to
cut more than $1 trillion from government programs over a decade, and was
proposing $600 billion in additional savings from benefit programs.
It also noted that the health care law that he signed into law showed
savings of $100 billion. Much or all of that funding came from Medicare, even
though Obama's aides insisted during his successful campaign for re-election
that he had not made any cuts in it.
Boehner's plan, in addition to calling for $800 billion in new revenue,
envisions $600 billion in savings over a decade from Medicare, Medicaid and
other government health
programs as well as $300 billion from other benefit programs and another $300
billion from other domestic programs.
It would trim annual increases in Social
Security payments to beneficiaries, and it calls for gradually raising the
eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67, beginning in a
Fiscal Cliff,
Government Programs,
Out of Control Spending,
Social Security,
Tax Cuts,
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