Negotiations With The Taliban; Negotiations With Terrorists Still A Go

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Please read the full article at the following link-

"Direct negotiations between the United States and the Taliban began
early this year and sped up starting in the summer, in part because the
White House has doubts about the military's ability to decisively win
the war, according to two Western officials. The war's costs, widespread
corruption in the Afghan government, Pakistani intransigence and
continued violence in eastern Afghanistan - even as violence in southern
Afghanistan decreases - have led many to lower expectations for what can
be accomplished by a shrinking number of U.S. troops. (Negotiations with
the very people who have been killing American service members are now
seen as the only way to salvage a positive outcome.)"

"Insurgencies end with political processes," said a senior
administration official. "We have been very clear that we are open to a
reconciliation process provided Taliban who engage in it recognize that
the process will be Afghan-led and that at the end of the day they break
ties with al Qaeda, renounce violence, and accept the Afghan
Constitution, including its protections of women's and human rights."
(If you believe this is going to happen then perhaps you still believe
in the tooth fairy.)

Virtually all of the Taliban's senior leadership live in Pakistan, (Our
Allies), and the Afghan government is hoping to move senior Taliban
leaders - estimated at more than 100 families - from their homes in
Pakistan across the border into Afghanistan, according to two Afghan
officials involved in the peace process.

As part of the negotiations, the Taliban have long identified five
prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay who should be transferred as a
"confidence building measure."

"When asked about the murders, [Fazl] and [Noori] did not express any
regret and stated they did what they needed to do in their struggle to
establish their ideal state," reads a Feb. 2008 Guantanamo assessment of
Fazl that was released by Wikileaks. "[Fazl] had operational
associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel...
If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties
with anti-Coalition militias participating in hostilities against US and
Coalition forces in Afghanistan."

"Their intention isn't wrong. But they're in a hurry and want to get the
credit," the official said. "The best way forward is to be patient, well
coordinated, consistent... and it should come from an Afghan voice."

"Washington's desire to reconcile was never more apparent than in a
recent interview by Vice President Joe Biden with Newsweek. The Taliban
is, "per se, not our enemy. That's critical," he said. "There is not a
single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy
assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S.
interests." (Not our enemies? So, then are they our friends? What kind
of a stupid statement is "The Taliban is, "per se, not our enemy.")

"The goal in Afghanistan, Biden continued, was restricted to diminishing
al Qaeda, strengthening the Afghan government, "and at the same time try
to get the Taliban to move in the direction to see to it that they,
through reconciliation, commit not to be engaged with al Qaeda or any
other organization that they would harbor to do damage to us and our
allies." (Well let's hope our alliance with the Taliban works out, huh?
Let's also hope for world peace, and money to grow on trees? Why can't
we just learn from our past mistakes?)

Biden's statement went down poorly in Afghanistan, where Taliban bombs
continue to kill thousands of Afghan citizens. (Those narrow minded
victims who are intolerable of the Taliban culture... Absolutely
ridiculous for one to wonder why Biden's statement went down poorly!)

"We are moving in the right direction toward a commitment that the
mistakes made in the past won't be repeated," said the senior Afghan
official involved in the peace process.

Please read the following article for a breakdown (validated evidence)
for where our leaders went wrong with this war, and read what our
organization is about on the homepage to see how we can begin making
things right-


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