"The fight over the payroll tax cut accomplished almost nothing in terms
of real world policy changes, but has provided the president with a huge
political victory heading into 2012. Not only did Speaker of the House
John Boehner take a stand on an issue that almost no one was against
(lower taxes), he lost the fight in a manner suggesting he can't control
his own party members..."
"...Who Boehner should have been standing up to was his own party
members, particularly the freshman Tea Partiers who complained the
loudest about the Senate deal. He's smart to enough to know the issue
was a loser politically, but he gave into the anger of his party members
whose main objection - a two-month extension vs. a one-year - was a
rather trivial matter that in the long run would make no difference."
"In short, the president had never been in a better position politically
and it was never clear what the Republicans thought they would be
gaining by forcing his hand...." They weren't thinking; not about the
people and their nation!
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