The fall of our our nation as a super power seems to be concluding like the film "The Godfather". Our compiled enemies are hitting us in all the right places, and where it hurts the most, seeing our vulnerabilities at this time. Meanwhile congress fails to fix our debt crises... The most depressing part is those in our nation are too distracted with their own
little corner of life that they don't realize what is happening... as our empire is burning down around them.
They admit such things to us now, (just like Admiral Mullen admited some of our millions in government money going to Pakistan was funding terrorists,) because they figure if they don't share all these facts
with us now someone like Wikileaks will (as they have before), then our
government will look that much worse for keeping such Top Secret
information from us... Our leaders are acting the way that they are now
because on many levels from the highest of them to the lowest are
admitting defeat...
Sad times...